The Government’s authority and statutory advisor on the historic environment, English Heritage has expressed its deep concern over Chelmsford Borough Council’s development plans for North East Chelmsford.
The current plans are for Beaulieu Park to be expanded to over ten times its original size, encircling the Grade 1 listed former Tudor Palace - New Hall. In a letter to the Council dated 30th October, English Heritage has expressed its opposition to the North Chelmsford Area Action Plan (NCAAP) because: “It contains almost no reference to the importance of New Hall and its setting, the development it describes would indeed severely damage the setting of New Hall. Furthermore, it is inconsistent with the Core Strategy. English Heritage urges your Council to withdraw it.”
The letter also describes a meeting held between English Heritage and Chelmsford Borough Council prior to the recent Public Examination into the Core Strategy of the Local Development Framework. English Heritage indicates that it had received certain assurances from the Council at that meeting and on that basis agreed a Statement of Common Ground: it was presented to the Inspector presiding over the Examination. However, English Heritage states that, “The NCAAP, however, reflects none of the issues we dis cussed when we met.”
It is very significant that English Heritage is urging the Council to withdraw the NCAAP. The Council have produced a Core Strategy that is too site specific and does not allow enough space for all the housing required without destroying the setting of New Hall. We are hoping that the Inspector will realise this major problem and alter the Core Strategy by expanding the area of search in the North East of Chelmsford in order to include the old Boreham Airfield site.
NAG believes that now, more than ever, the Boreham Airfield site should be put forward for a full public consultation as a single development. It would easily absorb all of Chelmsford’s required suburban growth.
Withholding the option of Boreham Airfield prevents the North Chelmsford Area Action Plan being a consultation; it is currently a dictation, offering just one option for the NE Neighbourhood and 80-90% of the houses.
We are not against development going to North East Chelmsford, but like English Heritage, we want to see this taken forward in a sensitive and sustainable fashion. We also strongly oppose the Council’s suggestion at the Examination in Public that there is room for thousands of new houses in Broomfield if they are unable to be crammed in around New Hall.
For further information, please contact:
Peter Loose, 01245 362295 peterwloose@compuserve.com www.chelmsfordnag.co.uk