Press Release November 28th 2006

Lt. Waltham Outer M25 Action Group. Meeting November 28th 2006
A four figure sum was spontaneously pledged by members of the Lt. Waltham Outer M25 Action Group on Nov 28th immediately to appoint legal Counsel to challenge the Chemsford Borough Council on aspects of the Local Development Framework .
The stealth-like actions of the Essex County Council in not disclosing the plans for a Lower Thames Crossing, which reluctantly we support, and the real nature of the massive new road systems planned for the area, including the A130, was a source of much dismay and anger. Most of what is happening now was shown to be available in The East of England plan published in December 2004.
Because of the frustration of the meeting, it was spontaneously proposed and agreed from the floor to raise a legal fighting fund. We expect that to grow substantially as its existence becomes known more widely. One purpose of the fund is to stop Chelmsford Borough Council compromising the Essex County Council and Governments’ transport plans with an irrational development North East of Chelmsford. We need to know why Boreham Airfield, a Brown-field site and able to accommodate the entire development in one single sustainable community, is not even an option for Consultation. We only support A130 Route D as consulted on in the summer 2006.
A telephone poll of area residents showed overwhelming opposition to the Chelmer Valley cross-link proposals which will result in the spoiling of the Green-Wedge, proclaimed for generations as carrying a presumption against development.”